Friday, May 2, 2008

Will You Marry Me?

So, ten years ago, this very day, I found a reason to linger in the car long enough to grab the ring. Cora and I were returning from a school trip (hers) to the Woodland Park Zoo with the herpetology class. We had stopped at Snoqualmie Falls. We walked down, enjoying the view. We stopped and I said something corny. Then I asked her to marry me. A moment later a hummingbird came up and hovered in front of us inspecting the evergreen there, and maybe waiting to see what she would say. She said yes. There were no flowers on the evergreen, so we took it as a good sign. I think it was a good omen, because, well, look at us! Still together. Still in love. I am a very lucky man…can you believe that I was able to trick her into saying yes? What’s more, is I have managed to keep her. It has been a very good decade. We have been together since 1994, but, I think asking her to marry me was an important day.

So, I need to find a job. I thought there was a job opening at Union Gap. Turns out if was filled last month. They did not update their site and I should have been looking sooner than this. I am lazy and I need to get off my butt and do things. Ok, I said it.

I went to town and got some groceries…necessities. I also got pizza to go with the …ah, necessities.


frogglet said...

You can tell we have been together a long time we think alike!! Love Ya!!

Kim said...

Happy 10 years....
You are an amazing couple..
Have a Great Weekend..