Monday, February 23, 2009

My Day Monday.

So, I have had three days off...six if you count the weekend. I am going a little stir crazy! I did some minor grocery shopping, cleaned out the fridge, and rearranged the kitchen cabinets. I also called another school district to see about subbing at another district (and I asked if they were hiring...nope). Then I called Charter concerning bundling our phone and internet...could save us $30.00 a month...and we get a wider calling range. I am missing human contact during the day a little. Doesn't seem to have helped that it rained all day.

I do work tomorrow and Wednesday, though! SPED at the El! It will be nice to work again!

Well, I have to go finish dinner!


Kim said...

I could find all kinds of things to do..
I am sure your wife will enjoy dinner being ready when she gets home..

frogglet said...

Sorry you have had trouble finding jobs.
I hope the rain stops it is just wet, cold and muddy!

E said...

Maybe since the teachers are showing up for work in this muck and gunk they will now get sick and you will have a few more days to work when they all start to drop ill!