Friday, April 18, 2008

Dr. WHO!? Robin Hood? Straightjacket?

Dr. Who is NEW!! I am SOOOOOO Happy! He is the coolest. He got stuck on the Starship Titanic. Guess what happens, no, not an iceberg. It was a sinister plot…as usual, but the Dr. is here to save the day. Nine hundred three years old and always taking on the bad guys. If that isn’t awesome…well, I won’t believe you if you offer me anything else.

Soon, Robin Hood comes back, too! No, not Kevin Costner. That wonderful channel, BBC has a show called Robin Hood. I have watched it since it came on last summer. It starts with Robin coming home and finding an evil sheriff in the place of the regular fair sheriff. Also, Prince John is in London. King Richard is still off fighting those awful Saracens. Anyway, Robin Hood is a bloody genius with a heart of gold and a sense of humor. It is a very good show if anyone is interested. I highly recommend it.

I subbed for a kinder class today. They were very nice. They were doing very good in line, so I took them for a fun walk…they followed my foot steps. Right angle turns, swerves and curves…it was all fun. I kept hearing giggles from behind me, but every time I looked back there were smiles on their faces and the line was stretched out in the path I had laid. They had been studying the ocean this week, so I was able to relate my sad tale to them. This afternoon, I took a little time and drew 21 fishes, sharks, rays, and a jelly fish, then gave them to the children to take home and color. They seemed happy. I also left a pretty drawing of an angel fish for their teacher, expressing my thanks for her request that I sub for her.

Speaking of which, the new computer system allows teachers to say they don’t want a particular sub, or whom they would prefer to have teach their classes. I have noted on this blog that there are several teachers who request me to teach their classes. I have also noted, though not publicly, until now, that I have taught at EVERY school, except one. For some mysterious reason, I have not seen any jobs come open for the middle school…where I taught long term. The place where they granted me a complimentary interview, but apparently thought someone else was better. I am o.k. with that, but what bugs me a little is that the entire school has either put me on their do not choose list, or the school has been somehow placed off limits to me. I doubt I would take a job there anyway, but it is the principle of it I suppose.

My beloved wife has been on You Tube all night. You might think, if you did not know her, that she might be watching the latest Colbert Report clips, or the David Lettermen Top Ten; not my wife. NO. She is watching clips of, prepare yourself, and if this does not qualify her for the fast lane to kid-dom I don’t know what does, oh, and did I mention steady your self and hang on: She has been watching clips of Sesame Street. NO KIDDING! I am serious as a heart attack! I am as serious as Grover is crazy. I am as truthful as Bert and Ernie’s relationship is questionable! Just now she was repeating the alphabet. I think she might be going a little bonkers…well, I do have to admit, the Madonna cover of “Living in a Cereal World” was pretty cute. And the James Blunt song, “Triangle,” was pretty good. “I saw your shape in a crowded place…a triangle, a triangle…” pretty good song. Well, I think I hear a van full of men in white jackets pulling up outside, I had better let them in.


frogglet said...

You make me laugh more than SS (Sesame Street for you regular folks.) Thanks for telling the white coats I was just driven temporarily insane through Chinese adoption, lucky for us white coat #3 had a cousin whose dental hygienst was adopting from China so he understood.

frogglet said...

You make me laugh more than SS (Sesame Street for you regular folks.) Thanks for telling the white coats I was just driven temporarily insane through Chinese adoption, lucky for us white coat #3 had a cousin whose dental hygienst was adopting from China so he understood.