Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Animals

I think I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago that my sister and I have been trading these animals back and forth for years. It is a practice that continues to this day.

It started when I won these stuffed animals at the fair in the 7th grade. I grew out of them and assumed my sister would like them and I hate to throw things away. Astonishingly, she did not want them and threw them back in my room. I threw them back in hers when I found them. It continued, each time we grew a little more creative and began hiding them in sneakier places. Finally, I moved out and found them in my place while at college.

One time I sent them to my aunt in Colorado for my sister to find waiting for her at her birthday dinner. She retaliated. Eventually, Cora got into the gig, as has Scott, my brother-in-law. My sister gave them to us on a plane to Florida shortly after our wedding. They found their way into my sister's basement when she had an open house. They made their journey California. They made a few trips back and forth from there, actually.

This is the latest incarnation. A couple weeks ago I was searching for my coffee cup, which had ome up missing. I finally found it under the seat in Cora's car...but there was something fluffy next to it...turned out to be one of THE ANIMALS! So, it has been hard keeping it quiet the past few weeks, because I wanted her to think I had not gotten them. That way I could unleash this series of photos on her, when she was least expecting it.

This is what she will find today when she gets to the end of her treasure hunt:

Look how surprise Cora is!

We took photos on the way down...

this is my sister's mailbox...

this is her house...

Now the question remains...where are they?


frogglet said...

What a great adventure. Those are the most well traveled carnival animals, ever. And they are quite elusive in their location.

Kim said...

Sounds like you had a Great Day while Cora was at Great party..
I am laughing my butt off.. Can't believe you took all those pictures...
Cora's face is priceless..
Have a Great Week..

Lorrene said...

I am so impressed with how well dressed the animals are. You guys are all nuts. LOL

Anonymous said...

they've changed outfits a few times-- Wedding gear, vacation get up, etc...
they are even uglier in person