She can be pretty mean, but this picture is of her modeling some of my airsoft stuff...cute and yet, a little menacing!
I subbed at the middle school. It was remedial reading…I kept thinking of remedial potions, but that is Harry Potter…too, bad, too, since I would have had fun shooting flies down with my wand. Alas, there were no wands, and if there were I would likely have been turned into a bat…for the mere enjoyment of the students.
Most of the students were 7th graders with a smattering of 8th graders thrown in. A few were my students from my long term stint as a social studies teacher. As usual, several asked my I did not take the job. I accept that as a normal question now. I answer that they should take it up with the management…in this case the principal.
I picked on a few seventh graders. Usually, I choose the most innocent, best behaved kids in the class. I point them out as trouble makers and they take it good naturedly. If they don’t, I leave them alone. I figure if I can’t have a little fun I might as well be an old fuddy duddy. It is also safe; since the things I might accuse them of are probably things they have never even considered doing. It is funny how kids remember the smallest details, yet, they don’t remember what you intended to teach them. I suppose that is just the way it is, but, a few of them recalled how I might (or might not) have sung to a class. I denied it. I also denied ever having picked on anyone in a previous class. I also deny having subbed ever before, just for good measure. Admit nothing, deny everything!
So, I cleaned off the F-8 Crusader wingtip night before last. I peeled off the Spraylat, unscrewed the screws, and took apart the lamp. I tried to take the bulb out. It is an odd shaped bulb. It was flat on one side, with a reflector coating on the flat side. Made by “Grimes.” I attempted to removed it, but there was a lot of corrosion…old Navy plane, salt corrosion, probably. It broke at the base and I used pliers to remove the base. I think I can mount the wing tip to a piece of wood and add an AC light to it to make a nifty lamp out of it. (Blue tinged, of course.) Should be fun.
I still need to lift my drop tank into the rafters where I hope it will NOT live up to its name.
Cora made mini pizzas…yummy. I sat on my dead ass and basically tried to annoy her without getting up. Surprisingly easy. Still, she let me eat. Must not have annoyed her very much.
Tomorrow I teach Kinders, something I have had in line for a month or so now…specially requested and all. The next day I teach at EVC again. Math this time. Hmmm, I should have a few more of my favorite students in there again.
I guess we will concentrate on cleaning house this weekend. Also, we might be able to borrow the In-laws’ Wii. They managed to find a Wii in a rare instance of luck. They are going to use it for the daycare this summer…the older kids are not easily kept busy. A Wii should do the trick. That does not keep Cora and I from borrowing it, though…HEE HEE HEE!!!!
Well, animal channel has a mongoose show on…it’s actually pretty good…nothing else on.