So, Monday is here again. Yuck. Oh, well. Late start makes it a bit easier. I work at the HS today and should be off about 230PM.
The weekend was a md mad whirlwind of activity here. I did not really get much time to post. Cora and I worked on the house to get it ready for the Pampered Chef party. I ended up staying and enjoying the food and the cool utensils. I look forward to getting something cool to cook with soon!
We then had a birthday dinner for Cora at her Mom and Dad's last night. It was a good weekend. Her Mom and Sister had assisted her in choosing a very special Iron...which they then purchased for her. Now, I don't know what special features an Iron can have, but this one apparently has them...GIRLS!
This week...Hmmm, I know I have to get some of the yard waste and stuff out for the annual free clean up day. So, I will try and get that stuff out in the alley by the end of the week. I also need to mow the lwn...after two days. The weather has apparently been perfect for grass. I had put some fertilizer on it in November...that apparenly did the trick, because WOW! it is growing fast!
Oh, I sold a painting! Someone at the Chef party decided that the "E" was something they needed! You can get in on the action! Go see Cora's Dress Blog!
what day is free pickup? How did I miss that notice????
Free pick up is Saturday, it must be the same way we heard about the easter egg hunt, a week later in the mail.
Glad monday is over hope the pollen count is better today and I can function.
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