Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I don't like my dog. I did not cover him with my shirt because he was shivering in his sleep. Somehow, the shirt just materialized over him. What was cutest though was his little moan of contentment after it covered him. Cuteness...it's a good thing he has significant amounts.

I subbed for third graders today. It was nice. They were a good bunch. I have had worse. The nice thing? I subbed for another teacher whose plan period was at the last of the day. So, I got off a bit early. I used the extra time for a long needed haircut.

My coloring sheets continue to garner popular acceptance from the kids. Several expressed doubt that I had indeed created the coloring seets they were doing. So, using the document viewer, I proved to them that I could draw a decent picture. I did not mind, and it usually keeps them quiet while they watch me draw something. I finished the day signing autographs...weird, I know, but, if the kids are happy, they are not necessarily looking into other ways to create mischief!

The weather continues to be spectacular! It was 75! I mowed the lawn and we had a good dinner. What a day. I think the weather is the main part of it.

1 comment:

frogglet said...

It was a great day. I think the weather and the high I got by getting the last paper done made it wonderful.

Oh and Toby is abused and mistreated. Posting such a picture is such a misrepresentation of his tough life.