Friday, March 14, 2008

WHo?? BEE?? PI??

Ok. Dr. Who is the coolest. I have seen the one that was on tonight before, bt seeing the rest of the series sure puts it in prospective. I can’t believe the depths of the storyline of Dr. Who. Tonight’s was the End of The Universe. It included Captain Jack Harkness and Dr. Who, of course, but now having seen most of the preceding ones, I get a lot more. I love the Dr.’s humor and his quick wit. Of course, some have told me that British humor, or shall we say humour, is different from American Humor. I disagree, it just depends on how simple you are. If you like British humor, you are likely to be a bit sharper. But, that’s just me.

Tonight we were watching the African plain. Cora told me to go to one of the cams. I did and there was a “Happy B-day” message for someone named “Campbell.” We thought it was cool.

We also watched a “Bee Movie.” Good movie, even better than Ratatouille. So, that’s it.

Oh, I also taught for a reading specialist at the elementary today. I was still hearing things from kids and teachers alike. I suppose I should be less fun. I may not be tops in the learning category, but the kids seem to like me and that makes a day easier. Well, the weekend beckons! I must fly…

Oh, check out CORA's BLOG!!!! She has some excellent Pi stuff!!!!

1 comment:

frogglet said...

I love The Doctor, too. The movie was great, also. do you want to see Horton this weekend? IOt looks like fun.
Love Ya