Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weekend Again!

So, here we are at the weekend.  Yesterday I felt like it was Saturday.  I guess that's what not having to go back to school on Friday does to a person.  I took the dogs and Chloe to the vet.  Chloe was just along for the ride.  The dogs were the reason for the visit.  We got them shots so we can board them this summer and maybe we can get out of town for more than a day trip.  We might even see an air museum if I can convince the girls that it's a good idea.  My sanity might be one argument.  I'm sure they question it on the best of days, so it shouldn't be a difficult fight.

The lawn is mowed, most of the dishes are done and a good share of the clothes are clean.  We should be out enjoying this wonderful weather, however, Chloe chose this weekend to come down sick.  She was up all night and Cora and I were too.  I'm tired and grumpy.  I'm not sure how Cora's holding up, but I know I'd like to get out for awhile.  Chloe is coughing and wheezing.  We're keeping her hydrated and trying to shove food down her throat whenever we can.  There are things to be done, but I don't know if I want to do them. I think laying in the yard and reading my book sounds far better than laying concrete or putting in a door on the shed or fixing the roof on the shed...yeah, I'm Mister Handyman.

Well, I hear some ice tea calling.  Off I go!

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