Sunday, February 26, 2012

Short Weekend

 Seems the weekends get shorter and shorter when you want to put more into them.  I guess we should just plan on doing something like going to the zoo or something, but it seems like we always need to do something else, or the weather is uncooperative.

As it was, we finally got the chance to celebrate a certain someone's second birthday.  Our niece turned two a couple weeks ago but it took until now for all of us to get together.  She is becoming quite the little girl.  Here she is with her cousin Chloe.
 She got a tricycle for her birthday.  It looks very similar to the one that Chloe got for Christmas.
We went shopping today.  We avoided going for groceries and instead walked around the mall with Chloe.  It was fun.  We all got to share a giant pretzel and all in all it was fun!  Then we came home for nap and then the day just seemed to disappear.

We did manage to get the exterior Christmas lights down...which shows how lazy I am and how out of the way the lights were.

For a day that began with a sunny disposition by noon we were watching snow fly sideways.  It cleared up again, and we saw sunshine again...weird.

Cora and I took a break during nap time and relaxed a bit.  We also played Wii for a bit.  And now we are waiting for bedtime to take us into another work-week.  I think we should all have at least one good four-day weekend every month just so we can catch up on all the crap that doesn't get done during the week.

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