Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday, Coming Up!

AH!!  Bring on the weekend!  We are going to visit my sister for a BBQ this afternoon and I hope to get some pictures taken of everyone.

Chloe likes her hot milk.  She asks for it by name.  "Hot milk, please!"  So, as I'm standing next to the counter I tease her and tell her it's hot juice, or hot water, or cold milk.  She doesn't fall for it because she is smart.  I then call out in my best short order cook's voice, "Hot milk, coming up!"  She repeats it and then we repeat each other a few more times.

It's almost as fun as our "I love YOU" game, in which we increasingly louder tell the other that we love them.  It's fun. I love you. NOO!! I love you.  No, I LOVE YOU! NO, I love you.  No. I LOVE you!  NO, I LOVE YOU!  NO!  I love YOU!!!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

It's the best game ever.  No one gets hurt and everyone is loved.

I hope it isn't windy today.  Should be nice!  Hope you all have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO cute!