Sunday, December 1, 2013


I had the honor of enjoying three Thanksgivings.  One was at my parents, one was just the three of us, and the last was with my in-laws.  All three gave us time to be with the family and things to be thankful for.

Today, I have to look toward the coming week and finding jobs.  We are also going to dig out our decorations and start decorating.

Given a few minutes to reflect, I am thankful for many things.  Top most on my list of things I am thankful for are as follows:

1.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be father to the most amazing little girl the world has seen.  She tackles life at full speed with an optimism and compassion that is intriguing in one so young.  Her great intelligence and desire to learn is joyous.  I continue to fall in love with this little girl every day.  Every time she runs to me and hugs me my heart melts.

2.  I am thankful for my exceptionally caring and lovely wife.  She works every day and despite being away from home considerably longer than me each day, she manages to spend quality time with her daughter, and even me, each day.  She is generous and caring.  Sometimes she cares too much and does more for others and forgets to do things for herself.  She is truly a wonderful person and I can not think of anyone I would rather share my life with.  She encourages me when I am down and is sometimes what keeps me going.  I am in love with this gorgeous creature and cannot believe my good fortune.

3.  Our small family is not only the best family I have ever been in, it is simply the best!

The rest just falls into place, and, for that, I am thankful too.

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