Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Mom;s Birthday

My mom, as it turns out, has a birthday.  I know, I know, you didn't even know they had calendars back then, but you'd be surprised how long calendars have been around.  I believe when my mother was born, they were  using an ancient Sumerian version.  Anyway, through divining and many complicated calculations, we determined when her birthday was and decided to celebrate it.

We did so at a local Mexican restaurant.  My sister and her husband and kids were also present.  Cora and I arrived about .3 seconds before my sister did...making us fashionably early and her late.

Of course, my mother got to wear a sombrero.  Note the youngest is trying to blow out the candle!
He's a charming little guy...and good looking, a lot like his uncle.
I like to call this one, Mother and Spawn, of course others might call it Mother and Children.
We don't talk about my dad much, because he's a swinger-no, REALLY, he swings!
My brother-in-law seems to stay out of pictures.  Or he tries.  I managed to capture this shot while he was unaware and in his natural surroundings.  I will be turning this one in to National Geographic to see if they will pay me for such a rare photo!  My sister, however, had great situational awareness, and knows that me+camera=candid photos.  She's a clever one.
So is Cora...

My mom.
My nephew at full speed!
My other nephew at even fuller speed!
and my niece at fullerer speed!
We went to a park afterwards, as you can see, these pictures were NOT in a restaurant.  I took photos the entire time...why not with such cute models?

I DID discover I need to choose my words wisely.  Below I found my nephew sitting on a toy and asked him to look up...
It turns out a "sense of humor" comes out early in my family...
He thought he was quite clever and followed my instructions to the word.  Smart alleck!

It was good getting together with everyone.  It seems we don't see family nearly often enough and by the time we do they have grown up so fast!  I had a great time!  Cora, and my sister, however, were apparently delectable morsels that the mosquitoes fed freely upon, and I am not so sure they enjoyed the park as much as the rest of us.

1 comment:

Lorrene said...

Happy Birthday to your Mom. Everybody looks so happy. Great pictures.